API Quick start

Calling a public endpoint

To dive right in you can start by trying a call to one of Paradex’s public endpoints:

List available markets

Get markets static data component

Query parameters


Market Name - example: BTC-USD-PERP

1curl -X GET https://api.testnet.paradex.trade/v1/markets \
2-H 'Accept: application/json'
2 "results": [
3 {
4 "asset_kind": "PERP",
5 "base_currency": "ETH",
6 "chain_details": {
7 "collateral_address": "0x1234567890",
8 "contract_address": "0x1234567890",
9 "fee_account_address": "0x1234567890",
10 "fee_maker": "0.01",
11 "fee_taker": "0.01",
12 "insurance_fund_address": "0x1234567890",
13 "liquidation_fee": "0.01",
14 "oracle_address": "0x1234567890",
15 "symbol": "ETH-USD-PERP"
16 },
17 "clamp_rate": "0.05",
18 "delta1_cross_margin_params": {
19 "imf_base": "0.11",
20 "imf_factor": "0",
21 "imf_shift": "0",
22 "mmf_factor": "0.51"
23 },
24 "expiry_at": 0,
25 "interest_rate": "0.01",
26 "market_kind": "cross",
27 "max_funding_rate": "0.05",
28 "max_funding_rate_change": "0.0005",
29 "max_open_orders": 100,
30 "max_order_size": "100",
31 "max_tob_spread": "0.2",
32 "min_notional": "10",
33 "open_at": 0,
34 "option_cross_margin_params": {
35 "imf": {
36 "long_itm": "0.2",
37 "premium_multiplier": "1.2",
38 "short_itm": "0.4",
39 "short_otm": "0.25",
40 "short_put_cap": "0.5"
41 },
42 "mmf": {
43 "long_itm": "0.2",
44 "premium_multiplier": "1.2",
45 "short_itm": "0.4",
46 "short_otm": "0.25",
47 "short_put_cap": "0.5"
48 }
49 },
50 "option_type": "PUT",
51 "oracle_ewma_factor": "0.2",
52 "order_size_increment": "0.001",
53 "position_limit": "500",
54 "price_bands_width": "0.05",
55 "price_feed_id": "GVXRSBjFk6e6J3NbVPXohDJetcTjaeeuykUpbQF8UoMU",
56 "price_tick_size": "0.01",
57 "quote_currency": "USD",
58 "settlement_currency": "USDC",
59 "strike_price": "66500",
60 "symbol": "ETH-USD-PERP"
61 }
62 ]

Interacting with private endpoint

To interact with private Paradex endpoints you need to onboard and generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) before making API requests. JWTs are a secure way to transmit information between parties. Please refer to the Authentication chapter and onboarding and authentication code samples.