Common Questions

What algorithm do you use for rate limits?

  • Fixed Window Counter rate limiting
  • This technique uses a counter to track the number of requests made within a given time period (time time period begins after first request is received). When the counter reaches the maximum allowed number of requests, further requests are blocked until the next time period begins.

What if I hit requests per minute limit, how long is the cool down period?

  • In a real world scenario, the expected wait time is expected to be less since not all the requests will arrive at the same time, so we can say the wait time to reset the limit for 1 minute bucket is up to 1 minute.
  • If you have requests well distributed over the time and you send 201 requests per second (assuming rate limit per second would allow you to do that) you will hit the limit exactly at the end of the minute (at ~59 seconds). In this scenario you would be able to send other requests just 1 second.

How long will an API query run before timing out?

  • All public and private API endpoints have a default timeout set to 30 seconds
  • In the case of a timeout, the API will return a 503 error