Create vault
Create a new vault by providing deployment parameters.Current user will be set as owner of the account and a new sub-account will be deployed as vault operator.
Onboarded by prdx:0xa123456789
Starknet signature
Starknet address
Account derivation path - m/44’/9004’/0’/0/1
Initial deposit transfer by vault owner
Description for the vault
User’s deposits lockup period in days
Max TVL locked by the Vault, if any. 0 for unlimited
Unique name for the vault
Public key of vault operator
Contract address of the vault
Unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the vault has been created
Description of the vault
Kind of the vault: ‘user’ for user-defined vaults, ‘protocol’ for vaults controlled by Paradex
Unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the vault was last updated
Lockup period of the vault in days
Maximum amount of assets the vault can hold in USDC
Name of the vault
Operator account of the vault
Owner account of the vault
Status of the vault
Strategies of the vault
LP token address