Code Examples
This page provides complete code examples for common WebSocket operations using the Paradex API.
For Python examples, you’ll need to install the required dependencies:
Establishing a Connection
This example demonstrates how to establish a basic WebSocket connection:
Authenticating a Connection
This example demonstrates how to authenticate a WebSocket connection:
Subscribing to a Channel
This example demonstrates how to subscribe to the trades.ETH-USD-PERP
Unsubscribing from a Channel
This example demonstrates how to unsubscribe from the trades.ETH-USD-PERP
Complete Example: Authentication, Subscription, and Message Handling
This example demonstrates a complete workflow including authentication, subscription, and message handling:
Implementation Notes
- Error Handling: The examples include basic error handling. In a production environment, implement more robust error handling and reconnection logic.
- Authentication: Replace the placeholder JWT token with your actual token.
- Ping/Pong: Most WebSocket libraries automatically handle ping/pong messages. If you’re using a library that doesn’t, you’ll need to implement this functionality manually.
- Reconnection: Implement proper reconnection logic with exponential backoff for production use.