Create algo order
Open a new algo order
TWAP orders break a large trade into smaller ones over time to reduce market impact:
- Sub-orders are placed every 30 seconds.
- Order duration is between 30 and 86,400 seconds, in multiples of 30.
- Supported sub order type: MARKET
Algo type, required for algo orders creation
Duration in seconds for which the algo order will be running, required for algo orders creation
Market for which order is created
Algo order side
Order Payload signed with STARK Private Key
Timestamp of order creation, used for signature verification
Size of the algo order
Algo order type, only MARKET is supported
Account identifier (user’s account address)
Algo type
Average fill price of the order
Reason for algo cancellation if it was closed by cancel
Algo creation time
Algo end time
Unique algo identifier
Algo last update time. No changes once status=CLOSED
Market to which algo belongs
Remaining size of the algo
Algo side
Algo size
Algo status