Modify order
Modify an existing open order by changing its price and/or size. The modified order maintains its original order ID.
Path parameters
Order Id
Order ID to be modified
Market for which order is modified
Existing or modified price of the order
Existing side of the order
Order Payload signed with STARK Private Key
Timestamp of order creation, used for signature verification
Existing or modified size of the order
Existing type of the order
Account identifier (user’s account address)
Average fill price of the order
Reason for order cancellation if it was closed by cancel
Client id passed on order creation
Order creation time
Order flags, allow flag: REDUCE_ONLY
Unique order identifier
OrderInstruction (GTC, IOC, POST_ONLY)
Order last update time. No changes once status=CLOSED
Market to which order belongs
Order price. 0 for MARKET orders
Order published to the client time
Order received from the client time
Remaining size of the order
Request info for modify order
Unique increasing number (non-sequential) that is assigned to this order update and changes on every order update. Can be used to deduplicate multiple feeds. WebSocket and REST responses use independently generated seq_no per event.
Order side
Order size
Order status
Order signature timestamp
Trigger price for stop order
Order type