v1.73.4 - Dec 17th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Fix withdraw modal flickering, add error message.
v1.73.3 - Dec 16th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Fix authentication delay and timeout issue when recovering user session.
v1.73.0 - Dec 12th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Added support for Discord account integration, allowing users to link and unlink their Discord accounts.
- The default active tab in the user preferences modal has been changed to ‘Profile’ upon opening.
- Improve markets menu displaying in Mobile.
- Languages Menu relocated to the Settings Modal.
v1.73.4-rc.1 - Dec 16th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Fix withdraw modal flickering, add error message.
v1.73.0-rc.1 - Dec 12th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Added support for Discord account integration, allowing users to link and unlink their Discord accounts.
- The default active tab in the user preferences modal has been changed to ‘Profile’ upon opening.
- Improve markets menu displaying in Mobile.
- Languages Menu relocated to the Settings Modal.