🈵Position Limit

A submitted order is rejected if it can potentially increase the client's position beyond the position limit of the instrument.

The order is only accepted if the following condition holds :

Submitted Order Size+Size of Same-Side Open Orders+Open Position SideOpen Position SizePosition Limit\small\text{Submitted Order Size}+\text{Size of Same-Side Open Orders}+\text{Open Position Side}*\text{Open Position Size}\\\leq \text{Position Limit}

Example :

  • ETH-USD-PERP Position Limit = 1000 ETH

  • A user has an open SHORT position of size 900 ETH and no open orders initially

-> Any SELL order with size higher than 100 ETH (= 1000 - 900) will be rejected

-> Any BUY order with size higher than 1900 ETH (= 1000 + 900) will be rejected

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