v1.38.2 - April 26th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Fixed Notification Center positioning
⚙️ API Updates
- Prices on market summary API and Websockets are now returned as empty string when not available
v1.38.1 - April 24th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Position sizes are now displayed consistently as absolute value throughout the app
⚙️ API Updates
Expose new field trade_type to “GET v1/trades” REST endpoint + “trades.{MARKET}” WS channel response
Expanded Data: /v1/fills & /trades now include positions changes due to liquidation, alongside regular fills
v1.38.0 - April 24th
🖥️ UI Updates
- Position sizes are now displayed consistently as absolute value throughout the app
⚙️ API Updates
- Prices on “GET v1/markets/summary” will be returned as empty when missing
- Expose new field trade_type to “GET v1/trades” REST endpoint + “trades.{MARKET}” WS channel response