


  • My Referrals section was added to Refer page and summary for Traders Referred, Referral Rewards

  • Users will see translated placeholder for markets menu search input.

  • Users can search for a market in the markets dropdown on the web app.

  • Shared app links will render preview images on social media.

  • Added /referrals/summary api to return referee details

  • Added 4hr resolution to trading view, include as default

  • Added max_order_size field to be returned inGET /markets endpoint



  • My Referrals section was added to Refer page and summary for Traders Referred, Referral Rewards

  • Users will see translated placeholder for markets menu search input.

  • Users can search for a market in the markets dropdown on the web app.

  • Shared app links will render preview images on social media.

  • Added /referrals/summary api to return referee details

  • Added 4hr resolution to trading view, include as default

  • Added max_order_size field to be returned inGET /markets endpoint

Last updated