v1.44.1 - May 28th
Single Step deposits are now available
v1.44.0 - May 23rd
Added Open Interest and TVL points under Other Points on Points page
Introduced TVL and Open Interest Points program
Smooth funding rate change by capping TOB spread and bid/ask/trade EWMA
referrals/summary now has total volume traded per referee
v1.44.1-rc.1 - May 27th
Added funding rate protection parameters (Max Funding Rate Change and Max TOB Spread) to API responses
v1.44.0-rc.0 - May 23rd
Added Open Interest and TVL points under Other Points on Points page
Introduced TVL and Open Interest Points program
Smooth funding rate change by capping TOB spread and bid/ask/trade EWMA
referrals/summary now has total volume traded per referee
Last updated