v1.34.1 - April 8th
Introduced global Settings modal to control Notification toasts and Chart settings
Added Leaderboard summary on the top-level of Points UI page
Open Order Lines are now displayed on TradingView chart
On Points page, the top-level cards layout style updated to match latest design
Improved the display of Trade ID in the Trade History table and Order ID and Client Order ID in the Order History table. Also added a copy button to easily copy the IDs to the clipboard
Display Toast Notifications setting moved from Notifications Center to the global Settings modal
⚙️ Backend Updates:
Updated REST endpoint GET /system/stateto expose additional system status like maintenance, cancel_only(status used by oracle is refreshed every minute)
Added checks to suspend funding updates during downtime and reset funding index after downtime
v1.34.1 - April 5th
🖥️ UI Updates:
Improved the display of Trade ID in the Trade History table and Order ID and Client Order ID in the Order History table. Also added a copy button to easily copy the IDs to the clipboard
Display Toast Notifications setting moved from Notifications Center to the global Settings modal
⚙️ Backend Updates:
Updated REST endpoint GET /system/stateto expose additional system status like maintenance, cancel_only(status used by oracle is refreshed every minute)
Remove deprecated 'order_book.{market_name}' WS channel
v1.34.1 - April 4th
🖥️ UI Updates:
Introduced Settings/User Preferences to control notification toasts and TV Chart settings
Added Leaderboard summary on the top-level of Points UI page
Order Lines are now displayed on TradingView
Minor Points page style updates
On Points page, the top-level cards layout style updated to match latest
Last updated